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Robot Technology: Design of laser marking systems for electric motors

The Benefit and Everyday Manufacturing
  • The less ergonomic welding process could be completely automated.
  • The quality and repeat accuracy of the welding process was improved.
  • The number of pieces and output could be increased
The Initial Situation

Parts were manufactured for a customer in the automotive sector.

The Requirement for us

Due to the increasing quantities, small series and sample production was to be set up and the necessary welding process in particular was to be automated.

The Implementation
All of Glaub’s key departments were involved in this project.
  • Planning: The concept was developed and the entire project was coordinated.
  • Mechanics: This department took care of the design and construction of the mechanical components.
  • Control technology: Our experts took care of the integration and programming of the control systems.
  • Software: This department developed the software required to control and monitor the entire system.
The Solution

An automatic station was developed that can be loaded with the stators to be welded via input and output sluices. A UR10 robot, equipped with a 3-finger centric gripper, grips the stators and feeds them into the welding process. The finished stators are placed back into the exit sluice by the robot.

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